This plugin is injecting variables in form of artifactname+tail, so when artifactname has dash this variable become unusuable for shell.
It uses the parameter name for it, not the artifact name.
If i'm entering input value name as KEY then it must be a KEY, no magic substitution.
As they say in Wikipedia: citation needed. Its behavior is documented in the inline help, and the ParameterDefinition Javadoc only states:
The actual meaning and the purpose of parameters are entirely up to users, so what the concrete parameter implmentation is pluggable. Write subclasses in a plugin and put Extension on the descriptor to register them.
FWIW If you want parameter name = env variable set with input, that's a minor improvement at best, not a blocker bug.
That's because it creates multiple parameters based on the name of the parameter name you supply.
For example if you named the property "MY_JAR" then the selected version from the dropdown will be "MY_JAR_VERSION". Another one that might be interesting depending on what you want to achieve is: "MY_JAR_ARTIFACT_URL".
You can see the full list in Jenkins the "Parameters" section of an execution of the job.