I'm using Jenkins v 1.517 and I'm experiencing a problem with disappearing history of slave builds. All builds are available in jobname\builds\ folder, however, the history of slave builds in jobname\configurations\axis-name\workspacename\builds\ is "periodically" purged. Some older jobs simply disappears from the list of builds (physically disappears from the HDD and GUI).
Please see the attached screenshots (disappeared history of builds on slave machine) from last week and from today. I checked the history yesterday and there were all builds from 8.6. to 12.6. Today, there are only builds from 11.6. to 13.6.
I can't find anything wrong in the build logs pointing to the history purge. Any idea what could be a cause of the history deletion? Is there a setting in Jenkins that could cause the purge of build history?
Here is the list of installed plugins and their versions...
ant 1.2
backup 1.6.1
chucknorris 0.5
conditional-buildstep 1.2.2
credentials 1.4
cvs 2.9
email-ext 2.30.2
external-monitor-job 1.1
git 1.4.0
git-client 1.0.6
javadoc 1.1
jira 1.35
ldap 1.4
mailer 1.5
maven-plugin 1.517
msbuild 1.17
multiple-scms 0.2
pam-auth 1.1
run-condition 0.10
ssh-credentials 0.3
ssh-slaves 0.25
subversion 1.50
token-macro 1.7
translation 1.10
vmware 0.8
vsphere-cloud 0.10
Thank you in advance!
Pavel Kudrys