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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-18663

Generator triggers the build step using "conditional build step"


      I'm trying to generate jobs that contain a build step of "conditional build step" which calls for a downstream trigger of another job. It seems that instead of including this build step in the output jobs, the generate triggers the downsteam job and the generated job does not contain this step at all.

      I have a "trigger/call builds on other projects" build step that gets put in the generated job just fine. It seems to be a problem with the "conditional build step" plugin or task.

        1. SND-Deploy-AA_Generate.xml
          62 kB
          Walter Kacynski
        2. SND-Deploy-AA_Template.xml
          11 kB
          Walter Kacynski

            syl20bnr Sylvain Benner
            walterk82 Walter Kacynski
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
