Resolution: Not A Defect
Platform: PC, OS: Windows 2000
If you have a large number of jobs queued up waiting for an executor, it would
be helpful if there were a means of moving a job to the front of the queue.
Perhaps a button next to the "cancel" button with an up arrow.
This button should only appear if there are more jobs than executors, and only
for users with either the Admin privilege, or the Job|Build privilege.
- depends on
JENKINS-2072 Make the Queue implementation replaceable
- Closed
lehlen, thanks a lot for recommending simple-queue. We have been looking for something like this for a long time.
And big thanks to otradovec for writing the plugin!
We have started using it, and it seems to work as intended. Very useful when e.g. a release-job needs to jump the queue.
otradovec I have a minor bug-report for the plugin. How do I report that? There is no "issues" tab on the plugin's Github.
Edit: I found the bug-section for this particular plugin and reported an issue here in Jira.