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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-18931

Build is triggered incorrectly when a triggered build starts running


      if the buildresult is set to trigger with a schedule of every minute
      (* * * * ) and you have a long runnign upstream job, the job with a trigger will trigger when the upstream job **starts building*

      This appears to be due to a Null POinter Exception as the trigger gets the status of the LastBuild - but the lastBuild may be currently building and return a null status.

      see private boolean isMatchingExpectedResults(String jobName, CheckedResult[] expectedResults, XTriggerLog log) in src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/buildresulttrigger/BuildResultTrigger.java

      Polling started on Jul 25, 2013 2:47:53 PM
      Polling for the job cms-at_master-LEVEL-1
      Looking nodes where the poll can be run.
      Looking for a candidate node to run the poll.
      Trying to find an eligible node with the assigned project label RH53_ATC.
      Polling remotely on cabci-cf-rh53-x64-atc01
      Checking changes for job CMS/cms-subsystem/cms-subsystem/commit.
      There are no new builds for the job CMS/cms-subsystem/cms-subsystem/commit.
      Checking changes for job CMS/vcm/vcm-app/commit.
      There is at least one new build for the job CMS/vcm/vcm-app/commit. Checking expected job build results.
      Checking SUCCESS
      [ERROR] - Polling error...

      See also the output from the script console

      AbstractProject jobObj = Hudson.getInstance().getItemByFullName("CMS/vcm/vcm-app/commit/", AbstractProject.class);
      Run jobObjLastBuild = jobObj.getLastBuild();
      Result jobObjectLastResult = jobObjLastBuild.getResult();
      println("run: " + jobObjLastBuild.number);
      println("status: " + jobObjLastBuild.result);
      println("isBuilding: " + jobObjLastBuild.building);
      run: 1089
      status: null
      isBuilding: true

      The polling error then causes a build to be triggered which will trigger the build prematurely and when the build has finished the build will not be triggered.

            gbois Gregory Boissinot
            teilo James Nord
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
