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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-19113

When updating the properties on already defined resources, all locks edited on resources currenly in use just disappear.


      1.We have registered all our resources (which is the Radio Base Station hardware)
      2.We have implemented the lock function (locking the RBS during installation and test, unlocking when done) and everything works fine
      3.But ......
      4.If I want to add the new properties on the already defined resource, or update the properties (like change IP address), or just add the new resource to the resource list ......... any action what needs the use of "save" button in Jenkins made our locks on currently used resources (RBS under test) to disappear and all resources are released. It means that thr test is still ongoing on the resource but another job locks the same resource because our "save" made the resource unlocked and available.

            rsandell rsandell
            ehszoma Zofia Majenka Bojanowicz
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
