Resolution: Fixed
Flexible Publish 0.11
Following publishers does not work correctly when contained in Flexible Publish plugin.
- Publishers that do not use DataBoundConstructor annotation for their constructors.
- E-mail Notification ( hudson.tasks.Mailer at least in Jenkins 1.425)
- Fails to save the project configuration.
- These publishers are automatically filtered by current implementation.
- E-mail Notification ( hudson.tasks.Mailer at least in Jenkins 1.425)
- Publishers that have their own Descriptor#newInstance.
- Publish JUnit test result report hudson.tasks.junit.JUnitResultArchiver.
- Fails to store configurations extended with TestDataPublisher. It is stored in Descriptor#newInstance, but not in the constructor.
- For example, JUnit Attachments Plugin
- Cobertura Plugin
- Fails to store "Coverage Metric Targets", which is stored in Descriptor#newInstance.
- RunDeck Plugin
- Fails to store "Job ID", which is stored in Descriptor#newInstance(Also stored in the constructor, but the field name is mismatched).
- Publish JUnit test result report hudson.tasks.junit.JUnitResultArchiver.
I try to handle Descriptor#newInstance.
- is blocking
JENKINS-14454 Cobertura Publisher does not keep settings when used in flexible-publish
- Resolved
JENKINS-14597 Rundeck JobID doesn't persist when used as build publisher
- Resolved
JENKINS-19257 JUnit attachments plugin cannot be used inside a 'Flexible publish' step
- Resolved