Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins v1.532
CopyToSlave v1.4
I have a multiconfiguration build with a couple of axii.
One of them is a slave label (ie: the configurations can only run on slaves).
I also have custom workspaces for both parent & child builds.
So for the parent build, I have the workspace defined as ${PARENT_WORKSPACE}, the children have it defined as ${CHILD_WORKSPACE}
When a configuration is started, I get this:
[copy-to-slave] Copying '${MY_FILE}', excluding nothing, from 'file:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/${JOB}/configurations/axis-${FOO}/${FOO_VAL}/axis-label/${SLAVE_LABEL}/axis-${BAR}/${BAR_VAL}/workspace/' on the master to 'file:${CHILD_WORKSPACE}' on '${SOME_SLAVE}'.
The first part is obviously wrong. It should be copying ${MY_FILE} from ${PARENT_WORKSPACE} into ${CHILD_WORKSPACE} on ${SOME_SLAVE}.
I've tried using an absolute path for ${MY_FILE} too...and that's where the second problem happens: the file never copies.