Hi Marc,
I'm afraid that I was unable to reproduce this following steps you outlined above. In fact, it seems to work just fine, the $DISPLAY is set to the correct value. Let me describe what I did and perhaps you could find the difference between my and your setup:
I've downloaded the latest Jenkins (1.534), upgraded all plugins (at the time there were two), and installed Xvfb plugin from the experimental update site (1.0.9-beta).
When launching as a SSH slave no $DISPLAY was set from .profile, in fact I think that jenkins completely replaced the environment with his own environment, if i execute env in execute shell build step no $DISPLAY was there but if I ssh into the slave the $DISPLAY was infact there (set to 99) - weird.
I managed to set the $DISPLAY in the Node properties/Environment variables of the slave. Later I ssh-ed to the slave machine and run the slave as JNLP headless. In both of these cases if I've disabled the Xvfb plugin the display was set to either Node properties/Environment variables (when run as SSH slave) or to the value form .profile (when run as headles JNLP).
But when I enabled the Xvfb plugin on the job I got the correct $DISPLAY set on both maven invocations, for example:
Started by user anonymous
Building remotely on testnode in workspace /Users/testuser/jenkins/workspace/xvfb-freestyle-test
Xvfb starting$ /opt/X11/bin[xvfb-freestyle-test] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/pj/0fsfrdhs4ws_9796wcqdf48r0000gy/T/hudson4139679048198400756.sh
+ cat
+ chmod 755 test.sh
+ cat
+ mvn -B -q compile
[xvfb-freestyle-test] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/pj/0fsfrdhs4ws_9796wcqdf48r0000gy/T/hudson771276611193966657.sh
+ echo
+ echo Running shell, this shows the correct output:
Running shell, this shows the correct output:
+ mvn -B -q compile
+ echo
+ echo Now running Maven buildstep, this shows the wrong output:
Now running Maven buildstep, this shows the wrong output:
[xvfb-freestyle-test] $ mvn -DDISPLAY=:1 -B -q compile
Xvfb stopping
Finished: SUCCESS
So, if I disable the Xvfb plugin this is how it looks:
Started by user anonymous
Building remotely on testnode in workspace /Users/testuser/jenkins/workspace/xvfb-freestyle-test
[xvfb-freestyle-test] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/pj/0fsfrdhs4ws_9796wcqdf48r0000gy/T/hudson6043730669456288268.sh
+ cat
+ chmod 755 test.sh
+ cat
+ mvn -B -q compile
[xvfb-freestyle-test] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/pj/0fsfrdhs4ws_9796wcqdf48r0000gy/T/hudson2700795471312004289.sh
+ echo
+ echo Running shell, this shows the correct output:
Running shell, this shows the correct output:
+ mvn -B -q compile
+ echo
+ echo Now running Maven buildstep, this shows the wrong output:
Now running Maven buildstep, this shows the wrong output:
[xvfb-freestyle-test] $ mvn -B -q compile
Finished: SUCCESS
Can you spot any differences between this and your setup?
Marc, thank you for the detailed steps on how to reproduce this, I'll take a look and see what can be done.