We use tasks plugin for like a year and it isnt very usefull except for seeing
trends because all you see in details is
сколько можно копипастить???
и зачем мы это делаем?
Only with this issue resolved plugin will become usefull for us. System codepage
is cp1251, sources are in utf-8 and cp1251 (legacy).
I ask you to take a note of this please. Parts of source tree checked out from
repository (perhaps from several repositories and from externals) are may be in
different encoding. One project may have utf-8, another cp1251, yet another
cp1252. They all sure will compile because of correct -encoding to javac.
I have no illusions about possibility to detect project encoding from build.xml
or something but i see another options that may help with this problem (as
opposed to global option that specifies encoding for all files).
1) autodetect encoding of source file by its context (Far Manager for example
does this)
2) add to task scanner`s properties of project map like
{ant path
Is there any progress on this issue?