Resolution: Fixed
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
Microsoft Windows 2008 server w/Tomcat
Microsoft Windows XP SP3
Microsoft Windows 7 x64 SP1
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
When I try to start Jenkins 1.540, it attempts to do so and eventually fails. When it fails, it tries to start again, which then fails. This repeats indefinitely. I've attached a log file from one such iteration.
I am able to start 1.539 successfully. I've attached the log file from this as well.
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-20757 jenkins startup dies quickly ostensibly due to maven problem in 1.540 and 1.541
- Resolved
JENKINS-20765 Jenkins 1.541 make java hangs on windows
- Resolved
JENKINS-20779 Jenkins 1.541 crashes JVM on startup
- Closed
JENKINS-20722 Unable to start Jenkins 540 using java7u45x64b
- Closed
JENKINS-20809 JVM Crash during startup
- Closed
- is related to
JENKINS-20685 After Upgrading Jenkins It's Not Starting
- Resolved
JENKINS-20675 Java platform binary has stopped working message appears when starting Jenkins 1.540
- Resolved
JENKINS-10582 slave connection breaks thru EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
- Closed
JENKINS-20722 Unable to start Jenkins 540 using java7u45x64b
- Closed
Still not fully functional. Reverted to v1.529.
After first upgrade from v1.529 - it booted. After I updated more than 10 plugins and restarted ( second time, no jobs were finished / launched ) jenkins with v1.542, it again died with Jetty issues / spam in logs.
My updated plugins:
Artifactory Plugin
This plugin allows deploying Maven 2, Maven 3, Ivy and Gradle artifacts and build info to the Artifactory artifacts manager.
2.2.1 (2.1.7)
Credentials Plugin
This plugin allows you to store credentials in Jenkins.
1.9.3 1.6
CVS Plugin
This bundled plugin integrates Jenkins with CVS version control system.
2.11 2.9
Disk Usage Plugin
This plugin records disk usage.
0.23 0.20
HTML Publisher Plugin
1.3 1.2
JIRA Plugin
This plugin integrates Atlassian JIRA to Jenkins.
Brīdinājums: Šis spraudnis ir paredzēts Jenkins 1.533 un jaunākai versijai. Tas var gan strādāt, gan nestrādāt ar Jūsu Jenkins instalāciju.
1.39 (1.36)
JobConfigHistory Plugin
Saves copies of all job and system configurations.
2.5 2.4
Maven Project Plugin
Jenkins plugin for building Maven 2/3 jobs via a special project type.
Brīdinājums: Šis spraudnis ir paredzēts Jenkins 1.532 un jaunākai versijai. Tas var gan strādāt, gan nestrādāt ar Jūsu Jenkins instalāciju.
2.0 1.529
Monitoring external jobs
Adds the ability to monitor the result of externally executed jobs.
1.2 1.1
Nested View Plugin
View type to allow grouping job views into multiple levels instead of one big list of tabs.
1.14 1.10
Parameterized Trigger Plugin
This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build.
2.21 2.20
SSH Credentials Plugin
This plugin allows you to store SSH credentials in Jenkins.
Brīdinājums: Jaunā versija nav savietojama ar esošo uzstādīto spraudņa versiju. Jobs, kuri izmanto šo spraudni, var būt par iemeslu šo Jobu pārkonfigurācijai.
1.6 0.3
SSH Slaves plugin
This plugin allows you to manage slaves running on *nix machines over SSH.
Brīdinājums: Jaunā versija nav savietojama ar esošo uzstādīto spraudņa versiju. Jobs, kuri izmanto šo spraudni, var būt par iemeslu šo Jobu pārkonfigurācijai.
1.5 0.25
Subversion Plugin
This plugin adds the Subversion support (via SVNKit) to Jenkins.
1.54 1.51
Warnings Plugin
This plugin generates the trend report for compiler warnings in the console log or in log files.
4.38 4.35