• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • core
    • None
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
      Microsoft Windows 2008 server w/Tomcat
      Microsoft Windows XP SP3
      Microsoft Windows 7 x64 SP1
      Microsoft Windows Server 2012

      When I try to start Jenkins 1.540, it attempts to do so and eventually fails. When it fails, it tries to start again, which then fails. This repeats indefinitely. I've attached a log file from one such iteration.

      I am able to start 1.539 successfully. I've attached the log file from this as well.

        1. hs_err_pid1000.log
          17 kB
        2. hs_err_pid1788.log
          22 kB
        3. hs_err_pid35184.log
          24 kB
        4. hs_err_pid4584.log
          13 kB
        5. hs_err_pid4968.log
          20 kB
        6. hs_err_pid5660.log
          21 kB
        7. hs_err_pid5960.log
          21 kB
        8. jenkins.out.log
          0.8 kB
        9. jenkins 1.539.err.log
          40 kB
        10. jenkins 1.540.err.log
          27 kB

          [JENKINS-20630] Jenkins fails to start

          Linards L added a comment - - edited

          Still not fully functional. Reverted to v1.529.

          After first upgrade from v1.529 - it booted. After I updated more than 10 plugins and restarted ( second time, no jobs were finished / launched ) jenkins with v1.542, it again died with Jetty issues / spam in logs.

          My updated plugins:

          Artifactory Plugin
          This plugin allows deploying Maven 2, Maven 3, Ivy and Gradle artifacts and build info to the Artifactory artifacts manager.
          2.2.1 (2.1.7)

          Credentials Plugin
          This plugin allows you to store credentials in Jenkins.
          1.9.3 1.6

          CVS Plugin
          This bundled plugin integrates Jenkins with CVS version control system.
          2.11 2.9

          Disk Usage Plugin
          This plugin records disk usage.
          0.23 0.20

          HTML Publisher Plugin
          1.3 1.2

          JIRA Plugin
          This plugin integrates Atlassian JIRA to Jenkins.
          Brīdinājums: Šis spraudnis ir paredzēts Jenkins 1.533 un jaunākai versijai. Tas var gan strādāt, gan nestrādāt ar Jūsu Jenkins instalāciju.
          1.39 (1.36)

          JobConfigHistory Plugin
          Saves copies of all job and system configurations.
          2.5 2.4

          Maven Project Plugin
          Jenkins plugin for building Maven 2/3 jobs via a special project type.
          Brīdinājums: Šis spraudnis ir paredzēts Jenkins 1.532 un jaunākai versijai. Tas var gan strādāt, gan nestrādāt ar Jūsu Jenkins instalāciju.
          2.0 1.529

          Monitoring external jobs
          Adds the ability to monitor the result of externally executed jobs.
          1.2 1.1

          Nested View Plugin
          View type to allow grouping job views into multiple levels instead of one big list of tabs.
          1.14 1.10

          Parameterized Trigger Plugin
          This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build.
          2.21 2.20

          SSH Credentials Plugin
          This plugin allows you to store SSH credentials in Jenkins.
          Brīdinājums: Jaunā versija nav savietojama ar esošo uzstādīto spraudņa versiju. Jobs, kuri izmanto šo spraudni, var būt par iemeslu šo Jobu pārkonfigurācijai.
          1.6 0.3

          SSH Slaves plugin
          This plugin allows you to manage slaves running on *nix machines over SSH.
          Brīdinājums: Jaunā versija nav savietojama ar esošo uzstādīto spraudņa versiju. Jobs, kuri izmanto šo spraudni, var būt par iemeslu šo Jobu pārkonfigurācijai.
          1.5 0.25

          Subversion Plugin
          This plugin adds the Subversion support (via SVNKit) to Jenkins.
          1.54 1.51

          Warnings Plugin
          This plugin generates the trend report for compiler warnings in the console log or in log files.
          4.38 4.35

          Linards L added a comment - - edited Still not fully functional. Reverted to v1.529. After first upgrade from v1.529 - it booted. After I updated more than 10 plugins and restarted ( second time, no jobs were finished / launched ) jenkins with v1.542, it again died with Jetty issues / spam in logs. My updated plugins: Artifactory Plugin This plugin allows deploying Maven 2, Maven 3, Ivy and Gradle artifacts and build info to the Artifactory artifacts manager. 2.2.1 (2.1.7) Credentials Plugin This plugin allows you to store credentials in Jenkins. 1.9.3 1.6 CVS Plugin This bundled plugin integrates Jenkins with CVS version control system. 2.11 2.9 Disk Usage Plugin This plugin records disk usage. 0.23 0.20 HTML Publisher Plugin 1.3 1.2 JIRA Plugin This plugin integrates Atlassian JIRA to Jenkins. Brīdinājums: Šis spraudnis ir paredzēts Jenkins 1.533 un jaunākai versijai. Tas var gan strādāt, gan nestrādāt ar Jūsu Jenkins instalāciju. 1.39 (1.36) JobConfigHistory Plugin Saves copies of all job and system configurations. 2.5 2.4 Maven Project Plugin Jenkins plugin for building Maven 2/3 jobs via a special project type. Brīdinājums: Šis spraudnis ir paredzēts Jenkins 1.532 un jaunākai versijai. Tas var gan strādāt, gan nestrādāt ar Jūsu Jenkins instalāciju. 2.0 1.529 Monitoring external jobs Adds the ability to monitor the result of externally executed jobs. 1.2 1.1 Nested View Plugin View type to allow grouping job views into multiple levels instead of one big list of tabs. 1.14 1.10 Parameterized Trigger Plugin This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build. 2.21 2.20 SSH Credentials Plugin This plugin allows you to store SSH credentials in Jenkins. Brīdinājums: Jaunā versija nav savietojama ar esošo uzstādīto spraudņa versiju. Jobs, kuri izmanto šo spraudni, var būt par iemeslu šo Jobu pārkonfigurācijai. 1.6 0.3 SSH Slaves plugin This plugin allows you to manage slaves running on *nix machines over SSH. Brīdinājums: Jaunā versija nav savietojama ar esošo uzstādīto spraudņa versiju. Jobs, kuri izmanto šo spraudni, var būt par iemeslu šo Jobu pārkonfigurācijai. 1.5 0.25 Subversion Plugin This plugin adds the Subversion support (via SVNKit) to Jenkins. 1.54 1.51 Warnings Plugin This plugin generates the trend report for compiler warnings in the console log or in log files. 4.38 4.35

          This issue is being wrongly listed in the changelog as "26030" (instead of "20630"), leading to a deceiving "Issue Does Not Exist" JIRA page.

          [1] http://jenkins-ci.org/changelog

          Helder Magalhães added a comment - This issue is being wrongly listed in the changelog as "26030" (instead of "20630"), leading to a deceiving "Issue Does Not Exist" JIRA page. [1] http://jenkins-ci.org/changelog

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Harald Albers
          fixed invalid link for JENKINS-20630

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Harald Albers Path: changelog.html http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jenkins/e7462a1bc3b2ebe07dd57e98a8d6ae405bd69c62 Log: fixed invalid link for JENKINS-20630

          cforce added a comment -

          @Linards L Please post ur error logs. Did you test with Jenkins 1.543?

          cforce added a comment - @Linards L Please post ur error logs. Did you test with Jenkins 1.543?

          Linards L added a comment - - edited


          I will do it now, but it will not be valid test anymore because once I reverted to v1.529, I updated plugins. So it might work now, but it does not cover the issue I had earlier - crash after second reboot ( after plugins update ).

          Test scenarion:

          1. Up and running jenkins v1.529 with master and three slaves; All slaves offline;
          2. Plugins - all updated ( from my last attempt ( see date of my previous comment here ));
          3. Creating a slave ; installing as windows service ; starting it - up and running;
          3.1 Updating java to 1.7u45 ;
          3.2 Cannot launch slave-agent.jnlp because previously FAILED installation left old jars in slave directory. I had to delete them to make slave-agent.jlpn connectable, so I could install it as service.
          4. Performing automatic upgrade with one job running and one in queue ; waiting till it finishes;

          Resulting in error from console before returning

          Finished: SUCCESS

          in console:

          ln builds\lastStableBuild c:\jenkins_master\jobs\trunk-build\lastStable failed
          java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: c:\jenkins_master\jobs\trunk-ExportDlls\lastStable
          	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.implDelete(Unknown Source)
          	at sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.deleteIfExists(Unknown Source)
          	at java.nio.file.Files.deleteIfExists(Unknown Source)
          	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
          	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
          	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
          	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
          	at hudson.Util.createSymlinkJava7(Util.java:1146)
          	at hudson.Util.createSymlink(Util.java:1070)
          	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild.createSymlink(AbstractBuild.java:494)
          	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild.access$700(AbstractBuild.java:105)
          	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.post(AbstractBuild.java:729)
          	at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1628)
          	at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:46)
          	at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:88)
          	at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:247)

          5. Rebooting jenkins;
          6. Updating plugins, if available.

          Plugins to be updated:

          Credentials Plugin
          This plugin allows you to store credentials in Jenkins.
          1.9.4 1.9.3

          LDAP Plugin
          Security realm based on LDAP authentication.
          1.7 1.6

          This plugin allows you to configure email notifications. This is a break-out of the original core based email component.
          1.6 1.5

          Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin
          This plugin allows for throttling the number of concurrent builds of a project running per node or globally.
          1.8.1 1.8

          7. Checking result...

          [!] Error
          hudson.util.HudsonFailedToLoad: org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.ReactorException: java.lang.NullPointerException
          	at hudson.WebAppMain$3.run(WebAppMain.java:234)
          Caused by: org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.ReactorException: java.lang.NullPointerException
          	at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.execute(Reactor.java:269)
          	at jenkins.InitReactorRunner.run(InitReactorRunner.java:44)
          	at jenkins.model.Jenkins.executeReactor(Jenkins.java:908)
          	at jenkins.model.Jenkins.<init>(Jenkins.java:807)
          	at hudson.model.Hudson.<init>(Hudson.java:82)
          	at hudson.model.Hudson.<init>(Hudson.java:78)
          	at hudson.WebAppMain$3.run(WebAppMain.java:222)
          Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
          	at java.io.Reader.<init>(Unknown Source)
          	at java.io.InputStreamReader.<init>(Unknown Source)
          	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods.getText(DefaultGroovyMethods.java:16092)
          	at groovy.lang.GroovyShell$7.run(GroovyShell.java:714)
          	at groovy.lang.GroovyShell$7.run(GroovyShell.java:711)
          	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
          	at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.parse(GroovyShell.java:711)
          	at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.parse(GroovyShell.java:790)
          	at hudson.util.spring.BeanBuilder.parse(BeanBuilder.java:133)
          	at hudson.security.SecurityRealm.createFilter(SecurityRealm.java:426)
          	at hudson.security.HudsonFilter.reset(HudsonFilter.java:140)
          	at jenkins.model.Jenkins.setSecurityRealm(Jenkins.java:2048)
          	at jenkins.model.Jenkins$20.run(Jenkins.java:2631)
          	at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder$TaskImpl.run(TaskGraphBuilder.java:169)
          	at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask(Reactor.java:282)
          	at jenkins.model.Jenkins$7.runTask(Jenkins.java:897)
          	at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$2.run(Reactor.java:210)
          	at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$Node.run(Reactor.java:117)
          	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
          	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
          	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

          jenkins.err: http://pastie.org/8550005

          I general, in each stage there was some small issues. This is definelty NOT fixed.

          Linards L added a comment - - edited @cforce, I will do it now, but it will not be valid test anymore because once I reverted to v1.529, I updated plugins. So it might work now, but it does not cover the issue I had earlier - crash after second reboot ( after plugins update ). Test scenarion: 1. Up and running jenkins v1.529 with master and three slaves; All slaves offline; 2. Plugins - all updated ( from my last attempt ( see date of my previous comment here )); 3. Creating a slave ; installing as windows service ; starting it - up and running; 3.1 Updating java to 1.7u45 ; 3.2 Cannot launch slave-agent.jnlp because previously FAILED installation left old jars in slave directory. I had to delete them to make slave-agent.jlpn connectable, so I could install it as service. 4. Performing automatic upgrade with one job running and one in queue ; waiting till it finishes; Resulting in error from console before returning Finished: SUCCESS in console: ln builds\lastStableBuild c:\jenkins_master\jobs\trunk-build\lastStable failed java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: c:\jenkins_master\jobs\trunk-ExportDlls\lastStable at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.implDelete(Unknown Source) at sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.deleteIfExists(Unknown Source) at java.nio.file.Files.deleteIfExists(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at hudson.Util.createSymlinkJava7(Util.java:1146) at hudson.Util.createSymlink(Util.java:1070) at hudson.model.AbstractBuild.createSymlink(AbstractBuild.java:494) at hudson.model.AbstractBuild.access$700(AbstractBuild.java:105) at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.post(AbstractBuild.java:729) at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1628) at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:46) at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:88) at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:247) 5. Rebooting jenkins; 6. Updating plugins, if available. Plugins to be updated: Credentials Plugin This plugin allows you to store credentials in Jenkins. 1.9.4 1.9.3 LDAP Plugin Security realm based on LDAP authentication. 1.7 1.6 Mailer This plugin allows you to configure email notifications. This is a break-out of the original core based email component. 1.6 1.5 Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin This plugin allows for throttling the number of concurrent builds of a project running per node or globally. 1.8.1 1.8 7. Checking result... [!] Error hudson.util.HudsonFailedToLoad: org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.ReactorException: java.lang.NullPointerException at hudson.WebAppMain$3.run(WebAppMain.java:234) Caused by: org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.ReactorException: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.execute(Reactor.java:269) at jenkins.InitReactorRunner.run(InitReactorRunner.java:44) at jenkins.model.Jenkins.executeReactor(Jenkins.java:908) at jenkins.model.Jenkins.<init>(Jenkins.java:807) at hudson.model.Hudson.<init>(Hudson.java:82) at hudson.model.Hudson.<init>(Hudson.java:78) at hudson.WebAppMain$3.run(WebAppMain.java:222) Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at java.io.Reader.<init>(Unknown Source) at java.io.InputStreamReader.<init>(Unknown Source) at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods.getText(DefaultGroovyMethods.java:16092) at groovy.lang.GroovyShell$7.run(GroovyShell.java:714) at groovy.lang.GroovyShell$7.run(GroovyShell.java:711) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.parse(GroovyShell.java:711) at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.parse(GroovyShell.java:790) at hudson.util.spring.BeanBuilder.parse(BeanBuilder.java:133) at hudson.security.SecurityRealm.createFilter(SecurityRealm.java:426) at hudson.security.HudsonFilter.reset(HudsonFilter.java:140) at jenkins.model.Jenkins.setSecurityRealm(Jenkins.java:2048) at jenkins.model.Jenkins$20.run(Jenkins.java:2631) at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder$TaskImpl.run(TaskGraphBuilder.java:169) at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor.runTask(Reactor.java:282) at jenkins.model.Jenkins$7.runTask(Jenkins.java:897) at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$2.run(Reactor.java:210) at org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor$Node.run(Reactor.java:117) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang. Thread .run(Unknown Source) jenkins.err: http://pastie.org/8550005 I general, in each stage there was some small issues. This is definelty NOT fixed.

          Linards L added a comment - - edited

          Repeated update process.

          Now only updatable plugin was:

          Parameterized Trigger Plugin
          This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build.
          2.22 2.21

          Result is the same. First reboot is ok. Second - after updating plugin - total crash. Again back to v1.529.

          Linards L added a comment - - edited Repeated update process. Now only updatable plugin was: Parameterized Trigger Plugin This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build. 2.22 2.21 Result is the same. First reboot is ok. Second - after updating plugin - total crash. Again back to v1.529.

          Daniel Beck added a comment -

          Linards L: The error you describe seems to be completely different from the original error. It looks like something's wrong with your (security realm?) configuration. What makes you think your error is the same as, or even just related to the original issue reported here?

          (Also, just in case you didn't know this: Every new comment and edit of a comment here gets send via email to everyone watching this issue, almost 70 people. 15 such notifications in two hours like the day before yesterday is a bit much. Maybe consider keeping the number of edits down.)

          Daniel Beck added a comment - Linards L: The error you describe seems to be completely different from the original error. It looks like something's wrong with your (security realm?) configuration. What makes you think your error is the same as, or even just related to the original issue reported here? (Also, just in case you didn't know this: Every new comment and edit of a comment here gets send via email to everyone watching this issue, almost 70 people. 15 such notifications in two hours like the day before yesterday is a bit much. Maybe consider keeping the number of edits down.)

          K P added a comment -

          The issue by Linards L seems to be completely unrelated to the issue reported here.
          It would be better to create a different issue report for that, because "poluting" this issue with an unrelated issue is going to confuse people and makes it a mess to still see clearly through the issue comments, which isn't helping the original issue getting solved at all.

          K P added a comment - The issue by Linards L seems to be completely unrelated to the issue reported here. It would be better to create a different issue report for that, because "poluting" this issue with an unrelated issue is going to confuse people and makes it a mess to still see clearly through the issue comments, which isn't helping the original issue getting solved at all.

          Linards L added a comment -

          Sorry for mess.

          Created new issue: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-21018

          Thanks again.

          Linards L added a comment - Sorry for mess. Created new issue: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-21018 Thanks again.

          Daniel Beck added a comment -

          Marking as resolved again, as the user who reopened it appears to be affected by a different issue.

          Daniel Beck added a comment - Marking as resolved again, as the user who reopened it appears to be affected by a different issue.

            kohsuke Kohsuke Kawaguchi
            kraai Matt Kraai
            58 Vote for this issue
            66 Start watching this issue
