Resolution: Fixed
ProjectA triggers ProjectB
ProjectB has a RunParameter for ProjectA with a filter set for Successful Builds Only. The Run Parameter uses the PeepholePermalink to determine the LastSuccessful build.
When ProjectA completes successfully, it will trigger a build of ProjectB before the PeepholePermalink cache is updated. This causes the RunParameter to default to the previous successful build of ProjectA, not the one which has just completed.
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-27635 Downstream build can start running before upstream build has completed
- Resolved
- is related to
JENKINS-16023 Lazy loading causes massive delays after a period of inactivity when loading dashboard
- Resolved
JENKINS-980 Race condition between build trigger and build completion
- Closed
JENKINS-22800 Downstream build does not wait for upstream build to complete
- Open
JENKINS-20857 Default Run Parameter on First Triggered Job Causes NullPointerException
- Resolved
It seems that you need an access not to the latest build, but to the build that triggered the downstream build.
If so, I know it can be resolved by adding RunParameter support to parameterized build plugin, but you may also consider using UpstreamCause to access to the upstream build.
For example, Copy Artifact plugin provides an option to retrieve artifacts from the upstream build that triggered that downstream build.