Install Build Monitor Plugin as it will make triggering the error easier:
To replicate the problem first make Jenkins throw a NullPointerException.
On Jenkins 1.480 this can be easily done by triggering JENKINS-15309 (
- create a new Build Monitor view and add some jobs to it. Shut down Jenkins.
- edit the config.xml file and make sure that instead of <jobNames class="tree-set"> you have <jobNames> (no class specified) as this will cause an unhandled NullPointerException
- start up Jenkins and navigate to the Build Monitor view tab
- open Google Chrome developer console, go to Network Tab and view the response returned by Jenkins to a fetchJobViews request. It will be something like the following:
Request URL:http://localhost:8080/$stapler/bound/c9717585-a435-44f6-84fc-732ac9460461/fetchJobViews
Request Method:POST
Status Code:200 OK
Request Headersview source
cause: null
localizedMessage: ""
message: ""
stackTrace: [
Please note the "200 OK" part. If there is an internal server error, Jenkins should never return a 200 OK, but something more appropriate such as 500.
Returning a correct HTTP error code will make it easier for plugin developers to correctly react the the problem.
Updated steps to reproduce would be nice. 1.480 is long obsolete (and was already when this was reported).