hehe yeah that's pretty obvious =D
At first I thought of maybe setting one of the environment variables, but probably Jenkins can't read it when the script ends.
So now I'm thinking of taking a value that is actually the contents of a file, who's path will be decided in the job's parameters.
For example, maybe it could be taken from "./workspace/reports/buildParameterName.txt" and later that file would be transferred to the archive directory.
The path to the file should be either absolute or relative.
The value of "buildParameterName" would be set in the "Edit view" page, as part of the absolute/relative path.
When clicking on the button "Add column", an option of "Contents of file" should be displayed and it will determine the path of the file.
I'm yet to have a complete familiarity with Jenkins, so maybe you'll see a better approach.
Can you give an example of what kind of value you would like to see in such a column?
Please also keep in mind, that without additional work such a value would only be displayed as long as the job is executed.
So most of the time the column would be empty.