Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins LTS 1.532.2 with Disk Usage plugin 0.23 running on Windows Server with Oracle JDK 1.7.0_25
The disk usage size displayed for each build in the Build History is sometimes incorrect. Once the Builds Disk Usage is recorded it is updated. This is misleading for users if the do some config change and then perform a build and then look at the disk usage size (which then sometimes is incorrect).
I believe prior versions of the disk-usage plugin didn't display disk size right away.
One way to re-produce this is to create a Maven build job and switch the "inactivate artifact archiving" option. Disk size should be smaller when inactived, but the displayed figure doesn't not show this until after the record builds disk usage task is executed.
Hi, disk-usage calculates build disk usage by two ways - after build (to have info about build size as soon as possible) and in recalculation thread (which is executed by global configuration setting - as user wants it to be executed). So if you change build size after its build (delete something), disk-usage does not reflect this change until recalculation thread is executed. It is logical, in opposite approach disk-usage has to scan all builds for changes and recalculates them all the time - this would be a really performance issue, because calculation of disk usage is very expensive in large instances. Even current behaviour can cause performance issues in large instances.