I have forked this project and now I have in my master a version that adds support for folders.
What is working:
- Job templates in any folder.
- Inheritable parameters working.
- The view section: Jobs that contribute settings to this job.
- The Rebuild Last now redirects to the job page.
- Show Parameter derivation and Show References now shows the full name of the job (to avoid mistakes when the name of two jobs is the same, but not paths).
What inheritance menus work:
- Rebuild Last. Now works fine.
- Configure versions.
- Show Diff between versions.
- Build with specific versions.
- Show Parameter derivation.
- Show References.
- Show advanced options.
- View full build flow.
What is not working:
- Renaming templates also should renaming the reference in projects that use them, but when you shutdown Jenkins, the reference keeps the old name.
- Move (move templates to another folder works, but same problem as renaming!!!).
What is not tested or not fixed (or both):
- Security (not tested)
- Compound creation.
- Another features?
- Upgrading from previous version (it is not yet the time).
It was not tested fully, It has bugs, and it does not fully support the CloudBees Folder Plugin. Use at your own risk, and read the wiki to known the current state of this contribution.
current workaround: move the "abstract/base" projects to Jenkins root.