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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-23349

Item names containing an emoji are not accessible

    • 2.190

      Version: 1.564

      How to reproduce:

      • Create a view, and start it with an emoji in the name
      • Enjoy the 404 page

      I'm fairly sure this will impact other locations as well, but I haven't verified.

      Possible solutions:

      • Do not allow characters in names that will create this behaviour
      • Make sure that url generated can be used to find the view
      System Properties
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          [JENKINS-23349] Item names containing an emoji are not accessible

          R. Tyler Croy added a comment -

          This isn't an infrastructure ticket but rather something that should be triaged as part of the JENKINS JIRA project

          R. Tyler Croy added a comment - This isn't an infrastructure ticket but rather something that should be triaged as part of the JENKINS JIRA project

          I can reproduce in Jenkins 2.32.3 with all sorts of items: view, freestyle job, folder.  I created items called "X robofolder" etc., where "X" is a robot face (U+1F916).  JIRA throws a 500 error and doesn't accept this comment if I use the actual emoji character…

          The items do get created, and displayed on the home page, but the emoji character is stripped from the URL, so clicking through results in a 404.

          It seems to happen as soon as you go >= U+10000 (which has a 4-byte rather than 3-byte UTF-8 representation). That character does not work in an item name, but U+FE6B does.

          The character can be anywhere in the name — it doesn't have to be at the start, it will be stripped out regardless.

          Christopher Orr added a comment - I can reproduce in Jenkins 2.32.3 with all sorts of items: view, freestyle job, folder.  I created items called "X robofolder" etc., where "X" is a robot face (U+1F916).  JIRA throws a 500 error and doesn't accept this comment if I use the actual emoji character… The items do get created, and displayed on the home page, but the emoji character is stripped from the URL, so clicking through results in a 404. It seems to happen as soon as you go >= U+10000 (which has a 4-byte rather than 3-byte UTF-8 representation). That character does not work in an item name, but U+FE6B does. The character can be anywhere in the name — it doesn't have to be at the start, it will be stripped out regardless.

          Alex Earl added a comment -

          I'm unable to reproduce this on 2.176.2. I created a job with the snowman emoji in the name and it worked fine. I was able to edit the configuration and everything.

          Alex Earl added a comment - I'm unable to reproduce this on 2.176.2. I created a job with the snowman emoji in the name and it worked fine. I was able to edit the configuration and everything.

          Matt Sicker added a comment -

          Updates to Unicode support in Java likely fixed this bug since Jenkins has required Java 8 for a while now. The initial ticket is using Java 7.

          Matt Sicker added a comment - Updates to Unicode support in Java likely fixed this bug since Jenkins has required Java 8 for a while now. The initial ticket is using Java 7.

          Alex Earl added a comment -

          It actually looks like there are still issues here. Snowman works (https://emojipedia.org/snowman/), but "ugaritic letter thanna" does not (https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+10398)

          Alex Earl added a comment - It actually looks like there are still issues here. Snowman works ( https://emojipedia.org/snowman/ ), but "ugaritic letter thanna" does not ( https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+10398 )

          Matt Sicker added a comment -

          I was about to say that it was a newer emoji, but it appears as though it's not new at all. Strange.

          I know that we use XML 1.1 instead of 1.0 in order to allow for better Unicode support, though that's likely irrelevant here unless you're trying to use an emoji in an XML tag name.

          Matt Sicker added a comment - I was about to say that it was a newer emoji, but it appears as though it's not new at all. Strange. I know that we use XML 1.1 instead of 1.0 in order to allow for better Unicode support, though that's likely irrelevant here unless you're trying to use an emoji in an XML tag name.

          Alex Earl added a comment -

          Alex Earl added a comment - See https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/4152

          I've upgraded jenkins to latest LTS today and noticed problem with "ç" (cedilla) char U+00E7.

          Bruno Meneguello added a comment - I've upgraded jenkins to latest LTS today and noticed problem with "ç" (cedilla) char U+00E7.

          Alex Earl added a comment -

          Is it removing the character from URL's as was originally posted in this issue?

          Alex Earl added a comment - Is it removing the character from URL's as was originally posted in this issue?

          I've created and linked a ticket detailing the problem


          Bruno Meneguello added a comment - I've created and linked a ticket detailing the problem  

            Unassigned Unassigned
            bertg_tf Bert Goethals
            1 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
