Resolution: Unresolved
Apache Maven 3.2.1
Java version: 1.6.0_65, vendor: Apple Inc.
Jenkins 1.554.2 and Git master as of commit 1aec030e0811e9046d2f57395dac98872de715fa
The plugin fails to build due to many test failures. There is two main failures:
1) Classes extending HudsonTestCase which was deprecated and succeeded by JenkinsRule are throwing a MojoNotFoundException. These classes likely just need to change to using the JenkinsRule API.
2) JaCoCoColumnTest has multiple NullPointerExceptions (on 1.554.2). This appears to be as more complex issue relating to changes in the test-harness APIs as the exception is occurring in the Job class because there appears to be no Jenkins 'instance' running. This exception changes to an IllegalStateException in AbstractItem on Git master as extra null safeties were added.