Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
jenkins LTS, build-name-setter plugin 1.3, build-user-vars-plugin 1.3
i am trying to use the build-name-setter plugin to change the name of each build to also include the user id (e.g. job has parameters and is user-triggered); for that, i am trying to leverage the user build variables provided by the build-user-vars plugin.
a test job that i created with those 2 plugin has this configuration:
Build name: #${BUILD_NUMBER} - by ${BUILD_USER_ID}
but at runtime, I get:
Unrecognized macro 'BUILD_USER_ID' in '#${BUILD_NUMBER} - by ${BUILD_USER_ID}' Unrecognized macro 'BUILD_USER_ID' in '#${BUILD_NUMBER} - by ${BUILD_USER_ID}'