New Feature
Resolution: Won't Fix
To enable synergy with EnvInject plugin (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/EnvInject+Plugin) which in the "Prepare an environment for the run" section has a "Load script and properties files from the master" check-box which will result in loading the "Properties File Path" from the master instead of the target node.
This was added to EnvInject plugin in version 0.22 (https://github.com/jenkinsci/envinject-plugin/issues/2).
This enables that a job pipeline with manual triggered downstream jobs can transfer parameters downstream without the entire pipeline need to be tied to the same node.
New feature request:
Add a check-box below "File path" field named "Export file to the master". By checking this option the parameter file will be written to the master in the file path given in "File path" field instead of to the target node.