Resolution: Fixed
Operating System independent (verified on Linux as well as Windows)
Tested in 3 latest Jenkins LTS releases (1.509, 1.532 and 1.554)
There is a serious issue with the Gerrit trigger plugin and its "retrigger" functionality.
This issue causes the plugin to get confused about how many and which builds it started for a particular changeset/patchset combination.
This behaviour leads to inconsistent verification results in Gerrit, because it fails to wait for all tests to complete.
Replication instructions
- Start a blank, vanilla Jenkins server of an arbitrary version on your local host (the jobs below assume that a BASH shell is available).
- Install the gerrit-trigger plugin (arbitrary version, as all are affected)
- Increase the executor count of the "master" node to at least 6.
- Restart the server and create a connection to a Gerrit service.
- Shut down the server and extract the two jobs (Test_1 and Test_2) into the "jobs" directory of the Jenkins server.
- Test_1 will always fail, Test_2 will always succeed. Both will create a lock-file named "LOCKFILE-${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}" in "${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/Central" and wait for it to be deleted, before succeeding or failing.
- (Optional) Alter the Test_1 and Test_2 Gerrit Trigger settings to listen to a specific repository. By default, both repo and branch are set to "**".
After this set-up is done, upload a patchset to the Gerrit service that you configured Jenkins to listen to.
This will cause a build of "Test_1" and "Test_2" to be started.
Now, while they are running (remember that they will wait until you delete their lock-file), go into the "manual trigger" interface:
Search for the changeset and issue a retrigger. This will cause two additional builds to spawn, one for "Test_1" and one for "Test_2".
Now that 4 tests are running, the correct behaviour of the Gerrit trigger plugin is to ignore the first two runs that have been started by the "Patchset Created" event.
Instead, it should wait until BOTH of the retriggered builds have finished and then upload a "Verified -1" message to Gerrit.
To test this, first delete the two original lock files:
This tests the first half of the problem. This works fine. After both have finished, the Gerrit Trigger plugin will still wait for the other two jobs to finish.
Now, to expose the bug, ONLY delete the lockfile for the re-triggered TEST_2 job:
This will let Test_2 finish successfully (as Test_2 always succeeds).
The bug that happens now, is that the trigger plugin uploads a "Verified +1" message, DESPITE "Test_1 #2" not yet being finished.
If you then also let "Test_1" finish, it uploads yet another verification, this time "Verified -1".
This behaviour is absolutely wrong, as it sends a verification state without waiting for all jobs to complete, thus leading to inconsistent results in Gerrit.
Example output in Gerrit, when error occurs
Here's an excerpt of how this behaviour looks like in Gerrit:
############################################################################## Jenkins Patch Set 1: -Verified Build Started Test_2/1/ (1/2) ------------------------------------------------------- Jenkins Patch Set 1: Build Started Test_1/1/ (2/2) ------------------------------------------------------- Jenkins Patch Set 1: Build Started Test_2/2/ (2/2) ------------------------------------------------------- Jenkins Patch Set 1: Build Started Test_1/2/ (2/2) ------------------------------------------------------- Jenkins Patch Set 1: Verified+1 Build Successful Test_2/2/ : SUCCESS ------------------------------------------------------- Jenkins Patch Set 1: Verified-1 Build Failed Test_1/2/ : FAILURE ##############################################################################
You can see two bugs outline above at work here:
1.) The plugin gets confused when counting the number of jobs started
2.) The plugin does not wait for (Test_1 #2) after (Test_2 #2) has finished.
[EDIT: Improved text formatting. Now the report is more than just a wall of text]
Hi Rinrin.
The lockfile has nothing to do with Jenkins. It is merely a file, that the Jenkins Bash Build Step is waiting for, precisely NOT to need to use a fixed sleep time.
This is used to let specific builds of "Test_1" and "Test_2" finish in the desired order, by deleting the "lock files" in the appropriate order. The Bash build step looks like that:
It is easy to see, that this buildstep looks like a totally normal build, to both Jenkins and the Gerrit Trigger plugin. It's just a shell build step that is taking some user-defined amount of time.
Thus, the only change over a normal "sleep <time>" is that you, as the debugger, can select the exact order in which these build steps will return.
You can easily change this to a fixed timeout, but that way, you need to be either quick about re-triggering the builds, or make the timeout so long, that you're needlessly waiting for the tests to end.
In any case, the bug is fully and wholly independent of what the build step does. It only matters in which order they return and that the retriggering happens WHILE the previously triggered tests are still running.