Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins 1.554.3
Mtrix plugin 1.3
I'm seeing strange behaviour when i'm using a matrix job with the label expressions.
I have the following setup:
4 nodes with the following labels:
- testnode0 - 4gb maintestpool
- testnode1 - 4gb maintestpool
- testnode3 - 8gb maintestpool
- testnode4 - 8gb maintestpool
All nodes have only 1 executor.
In the matrix job (build concurrent enabled) I have specified the label expression as:
Name - node
Label Expressions:
- !under_test&&4gb&&maintestpool
- !under_test&&8gb&&maintestpool
My understanding of this expression is - pick the next two nodes that, don't have the under_test label and one has label 4gb and one has label 8gb and both have the label maintestpool
I then append the label 'under_test' to each of the chosen nodes - This is because I reboot the nodes as part of a downstream multijob test run and hopefully this will stop a pending job pinching the node mid way through a test run.
The downstream multijob is triggered with a string parameter $NODE_NAME (Jenkins env var) because everything in the build section and beyond of the matrix jobs is run on the node chosen by the Label Expression, each of the multijobs sub jobs
are passed the $NODE_NAME parameter as a Label param.
Now the problem is that if I kick off 3 matrix jobs the last job should just queue unit the down stream job has finished (which then remove the under_test label)
However what is happening is that the all 3 job are pushed onto the first two nodes matching the Expression
Job 1 on - !under_test&&4gb&&maintestpool - has the following output:
23:33:15 Building remotely on testnode0(4gb maintestpool) in workspace /Users/builduk/Jenkins/Home/DSL_osx_tests_martix/node/!under_test&&4gb&&maintestpool 23:33:15 [!under_test&&4gb&&maintestpool] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/88/kjb_0d_x7sx525zv6bz2c4w80000gn/T/hudson619443788463271298.sh 23:33:15 + echo '!under_test&&4gb&&maintestpool' 23:33:15 !under_test&&4gb&&maintestpool 23:33:15 Adding under_test label 23:33:15 hudson.slaves.DumbSlave@7ecde659 23:33:15 Test node is: testnode0 23:33:15 Original Labels: 10.9.4 4gb maintestpool 23:33:15 Adding under test label 23:33:15 Setting labels: 10.9.4 4gb maintestpool under_test
Which is fine, exactly what i want. Then the job is kicked off again:
23:33:19 Building remotely on testnode0 (4gb under_test maintestpool) in workspace /Users/builduk/Jenkins/Home/DSL_osx_tests_martix/node/!under_test&&4gb&&maintestpool 23:33:19 [!under_test&&4gb&&maintestpool] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/88/kjb_0d_x7sx525zv6bz2c4w80000gn/T/hudson2089316416162620658.sh 23:33:19 + echo '!under_test&&4gb&&maintestpool' 23:33:19 !under_test&&4gb&&maintestpool 23:33:19 Adding under_test label 23:33:19 hudson.slaves.DumbSlave@7ecde659 23:33:19 Test node is: norfolk 23:33:19 Original Labels: 10.9.4 4gb verificationpool office i5 ssd maintestpool under_test 23:33:19 Script returned: 1
Which is not what I want, as you can see from the first line the 'under_test' label exists therefore the matrix job should not have chosen this node, it should have moved onto testnode1. You can see script return 1 - this because my script that appends the label 'under_test', checks if it is already present in the label list, which is clearly is. The same happens for the third job
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks - Apologies for the length of the post