There was a change to core/src/main/resources/lib/hudson/ballColorTd.jelly that replaced iconSize with iconSizeClass:
- <img src="${it.getImageOf(iconSize)}" alt="${it.description}"
- tooltip="${it.description}" style="${}" class="icon${iconSize}"/>
+ <l:icon class="${it.iconClassName} ${iconSizeClass}" alt="${it.description}"
+ tooltip="${it.description}" style="${}" />
In cases where iconSize is being set by a jelly attribute, iconSize is converted to iconSizeClass:
<!-- convert legacy @iconSize specification to @iconSizeClass -->
<j:if test="${iconSizeClass==null and attrs.iconSize!=null}">
<j:set var="iconSizeClass" value="${icons.toNormalizedIconSizeClass(attrs.iconSize)}"/>
However, it looks like the iconSize is set as a variable in the build statistics jelly file.
<j:set var="iconSize" value="16x16" />
<t:ballColorTd it="${col.key}" />
So, either the plugin needs to be updated to use iconSizeClass or pass the iconSize as an attribute; or ballColorTd.jelly needs to convert iconSize as well as attrs.iconSize. Or both.
I'm seeing the same thing after upgrading from 1.551. I've got another instance running 1.574.
In the 1.574 html, the img element reads:
<img alt="Failed" class="icon16x16" src="/static/9380e5f1/images/16x16/red.png" tooltip="Failed" title="Failed">
In the 1.585 html, the img element reads:
<img alt="Failed" class="icon-red " tooltip="Failed" title="Failed">