Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins version: 1.583
Plugins list:
active-directory 1.38
analysis-collector 1.41
analysis-core 1.65
ant 1.2
antisamy-markup-formatter 1.3
anything-goes-formatter 1.0
checkstyle 3.40
cloudbees-folder 4.7
cloverphp 0.3.3
confluence-publisher 1.8
crap4j 0.9
credentials 1.18
cvs 2.12
disk-usage 0.24
dry 2.40
envinject 1.90
external-monitor-job 1.2
git 2.3
git-client 1.11.1
gitlab-hook 1.1.0
htmlpublisher 1.3
javadoc 1.3
jdepend 1.2.4
jenkins-jira-plugin 1.4.6
jira 1.39
junit 1.2
ldap 1.11
mailer 1.12
matrix-auth 1.2
matrix-project 1.4
maven-plugin 2.7.1
pam-auth 1.2
plot 1.8
pmd 3.39
publish-over-ssh 1.12
rich-text-publisher-plugin 1.3
role-strategy 2.2.0
ruby-runtime 0.12
scm-api 0.2
simple-theme-plugin 0.3
ssh-credentials 1.10
ssh-slaves 1.9
subversion 2.4.5
tasks 4.43
translation 1.12
violations 0.7.11
warnings 4.43
windows-slaves 1.0
xunit 1.92Jenkins version: 1.583 Plugins list: active-directory 1.38 analysis-collector 1.41 analysis-core 1.65 ant 1.2 antisamy-markup-formatter 1.3 anything-goes-formatter 1.0 checkstyle 3.40 cloudbees-folder 4.7 cloverphp 0.3.3 confluence-publisher 1.8 crap4j 0.9 credentials 1.18 cvs 2.12 disk-usage 0.24 dry 2.40 envinject 1.90 external-monitor-job 1.2 git 2.3 git-client 1.11.1 gitlab-hook 1.1.0 gitlab-merge-request-jenkins htmlpublisher 1.3 javadoc 1.3 jdepend 1.2.4 jenkins-jira-plugin 1.4.6 jira 1.39 junit 1.2 ldap 1.11 mailer 1.12 mapdb-api matrix-auth 1.2 matrix-project 1.4 maven-plugin 2.7.1 pam-auth 1.2 plot 1.8 pmd 3.39 publish-over-ssh 1.12 rich-text-publisher-plugin 1.3 role-strategy 2.2.0 ruby-runtime 0.12 scm-api 0.2 simple-theme-plugin 0.3 ssh-credentials 1.10 ssh-slaves 1.9 subversion 2.4.5 tasks 4.43 translation 1.12 violations 0.7.11 warnings 4.43 windows-slaves 1.0 xunit 1.92
At the top of my project information page, the disk usage plugin is showing the following line of text:
Disk Usage: Workspace 76 MB (On slaves 50 MB, Non slave workspaces 26 MB), Builds 181 MB (Locked -), Job directory 238 MB
This text is displayed on a single line without any wrapping, and causes the right-hand panel to stretch much wider than it would do otherwise. This in turn causes other layout issues with the Jenkins UI.
Please can the disk usage text be formatted so that it does not cause this problem.
I guess it could either be given some hard line feeds, or else the container be given a constrained width to force it to wrap (it's currently width:auto).
Thank you.