jpeck@blitzwing:~/Downloads$ date; java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -noKeyAuth -s https:Thu May 23 13:02:45 PDT 2019
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar build JOB [-c] [-f] [-p] [-r N] [-s] [-v] [-w]
Starts a build, and optionally waits for a completion.
Aside from general scripting use, this command can be
used to invoke another job from within a build of one job.
With the -s option, this command changes the exit code based on
the outcome of the build (exit code 0 indicates a success)
and interrupting the command will interrupt the job.
With the -f option, this command changes the exit code based on
the outcome of the build (exit code 0 indicates a success)
however, unlike -s, interrupting the command will not interrupt
the job (exit code 125 indicates the command was interrupted).
With the -c option, a build will only run if there has been
an SCM change.
JOB : Name of the job to build
-c : Check for SCM changes before starting the build, and if there's no
change, exit without doing a build
-f : Follow the build progress. Like -s only interrupts are not passed
through to the build.
-p : Specify the build parameters in the key=value format.
-s : Wait until the completion/abortion of the command. Interrupts are passed
through to the build.
-v : Prints out the console output of the build. Use with -s
-w : Wait until the start of the command
jpeck@blitzwing:~/Downloads$ date; java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -noKeyAuth -s https:Thu May 23 12:59:09 PDT 2019
ERROR: CLI parameter submission is not supported for the class hudson.plugins.validating_string_parameter.ValidatingStringParameterDefinition type. Please file a bug report for this
This is still an issue in 2.3 and 2.4 when invoking a parameterized build from the cli (http or ssh) we still get the following error:
Is there any plan to support parameters via the CLI? Is there another way to kick off and monitor build status from the cli or a script? We've used curl in the past to start builds, but there's no way to monitor build status and completion, as far as I know.