Resolution: Not A Defect
plugin : Email-ext
OS : Windows Server 2008 R2
Browser : Any (Not applicable)
Jenkins version : Jenkins ver. 1.560
I have configured my Build.xml as mentioned below to run test cases for Dotnet assemblies,
<PropertyGroup> <TestResultsPath>$(JENKINS_HOME)\jobs\$(JOB_NAME)\builds\$(BUILD_NUMBER)\TestResults.xml</TestResultsPath>
<Target Name="RunUnitTests">
<Exec Command='"$(NUnitConsole)" "$(UnitTestsDLL_Service)" "$(UnitTestsDLL_Business)" /result="$(TestResultsPath)" /framework=4.0' />
Where $(UnitTestsDLL_Business), $(UnitTestsDLL_Service) are dll absolute paths.
I tried by changes "TestResultsPath" to local folder.But nothing is working.But i could the test summary in the build log.Could you please help me in resolving the issue?
Why did you file this against the email-ext plugin? It seems like there is nothing related to email-ext.