Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Jenkin 1.592, teamconcert-plugin 1.1.9
Once a build is kicked off with a Jenkins/Team Concert integration, the Team Concert plugin updates the Jenkins job definition with a "buildResultUUID" parameter, and includes a very long description of this parameter, as follows:
The UUID of the build result in RTC. It is supplied by builds initiated through RTC. For builds initiated through Hudson/Jenkins, no value should be supplied.
This 3-sentence description is added without new line characters (or line breaks). After this parameter and its description are added to a Jenkins build definition, then during subsequent edits of the jenkins job configuration, Jenkins uses the width of the widest field as the page width of the browser. This very long description for buildResultUUID's description is placed in a edit box field without wrapping the description to a reasonable width. Hence, all of the edit fields which are presented by Jenkins in the browser go way off to the right of the browser window (to at least the width of this description, including the Delete buttons for each editable configuration which are right-justified to align up with the right edge of all of the edit fields. This makes the Delete buttons very difficult to find.
Could this description be shortened, or at least include line ends (<br>, after each sentence, so that the displayed width of this field is much reduced withing the browser, and so less scrolling and hunting for the Delete button is required.