stephenconnolly: I think there is an issue with the JS hack introduced in select.js in your last commit, for applying new behaviours to existing DOM elements. You should call Behaviour.applySubtree with includeSelf=true, otherwise it will not apply one of the specified behaviours (the one for "DIV.credentials-select-control" itself).
I opened a PR which does that (PR-67), referring to JENKINS-37707 (which is an issue with credentials-binding-plugin when trying to bind credentials to a project and the credentials selection code is loaded for the first time in the job configuration page).
Tell me if you need me to edit the PR to refer to this issue instead, it's just that I've only found it afterward.
To reproduce the issue and test the fix, here is what I did:
- get master sources for credentials-binding-plugin
- bump jenkins.version to 1.609 and credentials version to 2.1.4
- hpi:run, create a login/password credentials, create a freestyle job, try to bind the secret to a combined variable (for instance) => it should give you the error reported in
- build credentials 2.1.5-SNAPSHOT with my fix, bump dependency in credentials-binding-plugin, and repeat previous step => it should work fine
Is this related to