Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 1.580.1, RHEL 5.7, Dynamic view, NetApp view storage, ClearCase
Our jobs are setup to use dynamic views and the settings are to remove view and re-create a clean view every time the job runs.
I am also using a static view tag name. So we use the view name over and over.
So when the job runs, the clearcase plugin will remove the dynamic view using rmview followed immediately with a mkview. We intermittently see an exception on the mkview.
[Draco_ML-MPH6] $ /usr/atria//bin/cleartool lsview mrfbldac_Draco_ML-MPH6
- mrfbldac_Draco_ML-MPH6 /ccase_viewstg/mrfbldac/mrfbldac_Draco_ML-MPH6.vws
[Draco_ML-MPH6] $ /usr/atria//bin/cleartool rmview -force -tag mrfbldac_Draco_ML-MPH6
Removing references from VOB "/vobs/mrf_vob1" ...
Removed references to view "/ccase_viewstg/mrfbldac/mrfbldac_Draco_ML-MPH6.vws" from VOB "/vobs/mrf_vob1".
Removing references from VOB "/vobs/mrf_pvob" ...
Removed references to view "/ccase_viewstg/mrfbldac/mrfbldac_Draco_ML-MPH6.vws" from VOB "/vobs/mrf_pvob".
[Draco_ML-MPH6] $ /usr/atria//bin/cleartool mkview -stream Draco_ML_int@/vobs/mrf_pvob -tag mrfbldac_Draco_ML-MPH6 -stgloc -auto
Selected Server Storage Location "inview02_viewstg".
cleartool: Error: Failed to record hostname "inview02" in storage directory "/ccase_viewstg/mrfbldac/mrfbldac_Draco_ML-MPH6.vws". Check that root or the ClearCase administrators group has permission to write to this directory.
cleartool: Error: Unable to create view "/ccase_viewstg/mrfbldac/mrfbldac_Draco_ML-MPH6.vws".
FATAL: UCM ClearCase failed. exit code=1
java.io.IOException: cleartool did not return the expected exit code. Command line="mkview -stream Draco_ML_int@/vobs/mrf_pvob -tag mrfbldac_Draco_ML-MPH6 -stgloc -auto", actual exit code=1
at hudson.plugins.clearcase.HudsonClearToolLauncher.run(HudsonClearToolLauncher.java:152)
at hudson.plugins.clearcase.ClearToolExec.mkview(ClearToolExec.java:562)
at hudson.plugins.clearcase.action.UcmDynamicCheckoutAction.prepareView(UcmDynamicCheckoutAction.java:217)
at hudson.plugins.clearcase.action.UcmDynamicCheckoutAction.checkout(UcmDynamicCheckoutAction.java:88)
at hudson.plugins.clearcase.AbstractClearCaseScm.checkout(AbstractClearCaseScm.java:383)
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.checkout(AbstractProject.java:1253)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.defaultCheckout(AbstractBuild.java:622)
at jenkins.scm.SCMCheckoutStrategy.checkout(SCMCheckoutStrategy.java:86)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.run(AbstractBuild.java:528)
at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1745)
at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43)
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:89)
at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:240)
Started calculate disk usage of build
Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds
Started calculate disk usage of workspace
Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds
Finished: FAILURE
This article seems to indicate that when removing a view an immediately re-creating it causes the error when using NFS shares. The article seems to indicate that a brief delay between the rmview/mkview will resolve the issue:
I see there was a configurable delay added after the "endview" command to resolve some issues. Can we also do the same right after the "rmview" command?
Seems like it would be a simple one line change to add the same delay after "rmview". If someone could get me a version of the plugin with the change I can test it for them.