Resolution: Unresolved
We are using Jenkins jobs to build our Java apps. The build creates packages which we store in the build archive. Each build has its own archive with the packages from that particular build.
We deploy these packages to various enviroments using promotions via the promoted builds plugin.
For example, we trigger the "QA1" promotion of Build #25 to deploy artifacts from Build 25's archive to our QA1 environment. Triggering the "QA2" promotion of this same build deploys the same artifacts to the QA2 environment, and so on.
Sometimes we'd like to promote artifacts from build #25 concurrently with the execution of a new build (say, build #30), but Jenkins will not do this for us. Instead, Jenkins pauses the promotion of the earlier build until the new build completes, or gets aborted.
For example, if build # 101 is in progress and I try to trigger a promotion of build #99, Jenkins will not start the promotion of build #99 until build #101 completes or is aborted.
It would be great if I could have promotions of earlier builds running concurrently with more recent builds.
And same issue when wanted to get promotion before build is end.
E.g we have a job which trigger build, static analyses and some tests. I like to get promotion after static analysis and second promotion after build. Promotion starts but there is failure mark in promotion and log is almost empty until build ends and then promotion happens.
So promotio is started, but for some reason it will never get done before actual build job is finished. And same if next build is already started, it wait until it is end.