Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 1.596
maven release plugin 0.14
I need some help about the maven release plugin !
I encountered an issue that is obstructing my development on Jenkins.
After installing the maven-release-plugin on Jenkins I've tested it.
The fact is that for a project without any dependencies, the plugin works well.
But since I have some project dependencies it doesn't. Indeed after selecting the "Default versioning mode" as "Specify version(s)" ,when I save he configuration and try to perform maven release build, the "Default versioning mode" parameter keeps its state, whatever I change it to and simply goes back to ''none'' state. There is no way to modify it !!!
My main goal here is to specify my release version of a dependency and this is what the "Default versioning mode" is done for because maven-release-plugin can't work with SNAPSHOT dependencies !!
Finally to solve this problem I downgraded the maven release plugin to the 0.7.1 version and now I can select the default versioning mode .
But the second issue I faced is that I want to release a job which depends on other one.
Project B ---------> Project A depends on
The fact is I released the Project A in a 0.0.X version.
Now I would like to use/implement this Project A release during the release of the Project B because I don't want any SNAPSHOT dependencies in my released projects !!
I also tried using versions-maven-plugin but the use of both those plugin seems not to work together... Am I wrong ?
All I want to do is working while using the cmd !!
Anyone encountered this problem yet ? is there a solution to it ? I join a picture showing the result I expect
JENKINS 1.596 & maven-release-plugin 0.7.1
looks like you report to the wrong plugin, there is no such jenkins maven-release-plugin. There are 2 known release plugin that works with Maven, release-plugin and m2-release