An example, which results in multiple updated tickets (comments added).
The expected update is just to WSGSWPROC-16. The extra updates are all the changes implicated in builds #876..#880.
If I grab the build info via the json api I just get the single change in the changeset.
I have forked the code but cannot work out where it gets this list of dependencies, sorry I write low level embedded C, so this stuff is way out of my area.
I tried other techniques like custom jql or the explicit option, but I am stymied because it does not translate $JIRA_ISSUES to the relevant JIRA key (Jenkins logs show JQL lookup failing because of the $ character).
Please help, I am being inundated under hundreds of pointless updates and all the associated emails.
Revision: 15604
- WSGSWPROC-16 - Add ability to make normal build just do a package, just put nobuild.flg in checkout root. (detail)
by Chris Amis
Changes in dependency
- W5400_trunk
#876-r15598-2017-10-13 14:59 →
#880-r15603-2017-10-17 09:08 (detail)
Seems that should be jenkins-jira-issue-updater issue.