Resolution: Won't Fix
Jenkins: 1.607
Warnings plugin: 4.46
Static Code Analysis: 1.70
Static Analysis Collector: not installed
I added Warnings Plugin to count all warnings from log files generated by gcc building according the following configuration:
File pattern: results/*.log (all logs files will placed under results folder in the workspace)
Parser: GUN Make + C Compiler(gcc)
but I found there was the inconsistance between the warning totality reported by warning plugin and results/*.log itself.
all full build logs will placed under results folder, i check the warning api files which shows all warnings with 11511
Now when I run a simple command in the workspace under results folder : cat *.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l , results is 44067 warnings
issue 1: Why the result looks so many differences between them?
then i try to check the log files one by one, but found another strange problems:
at the end of the build console output, there is warning plugin output:
(I put the latest result here and list all real warnings in each log files in the bracket)
17:30:10 [WARNINGS] Parsing warnings in files 'results/*.log' with parser GNU Make + GNU C Compiler (gcc)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Finding all files that match the pattern results/*.log
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Parsing 15 files in /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/1.log with 0 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 1.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 1.log: 0)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/2.log with 703 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 2.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 2.log: 2321)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/3.log with 756 unique warnings and 684 duplicates.
(cat 3.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 3.log: 2222)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/4.log with 756 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 4.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 4.log: 59)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/5.log with 756 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 5.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 5.log: 0)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/6.log with 1124 unique warnings and 5 duplicates.
(cat 6.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 6.log: 1497)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/7.log with 1126 unique warnings and 23 duplicates.
(cat 7.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 7.log: 347)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/8.log with 1126 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 8.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 8.log: 1)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/9.log with 1126 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 9.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 9.log: 1)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/10.log with 1172 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 10.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 10.log: 81)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/11.log with 1173 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 11.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 11.log: 1)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/12.log with 11240 unique warnings and 319 duplicates.
(cat 12.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 12.log: 18710)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/13.log with 11511 unique warnings and 10127 duplicates.
(cat 13.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 13.log: 18827)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/14.log with 11511 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 14.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 14.log: 0)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/15.log with 11511 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 15.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 15.log: 0)
17:30:26 [WARNINGS] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #146
17:30:28 Archiving artifacts
17:32:57 No emails were triggered.
from console log by Warnings Plugin:
all unique warnings: 0+703+756+756+756+1124+1126+1126+1126+1172+1173+11240+11511+11511+11511 = 55591
all duplicates warnings:0+0+684+0+0+5+23+0+0+0+0+319+10127+0+0 = 11158
from log files itself:
all warnings: 0+2321+2222+59+0+1497+347+1+1+81+1+18710+18827+0+0= 44067
issue 2: all result above are also different with 11511 which reported by Warning Plugins. How to understand all warning results above?
issue 3: forthermore, the warning result from each log files in console log did not equal with the log files itself:
I pick up two log files to check the warnings:
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/8.log with 1126 unique warnings and 0 duplicates.
(cat 8.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 8.log: 1)
17:30:16 [WARNINGS] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/workspace/JOB-DAILY-START/results/12.log with 11240 unique warnings and 319 duplicates.
(cat 12.log | grep -I warning: | wc -l -> real warnings result in 12.log: 18710)
which is the right warning result, all above makes me confusing?
Please attach one of your files that does not match. As already noted, duplicate warnings are skipped (same warning type, file and line number).