Thanks for the quick response!
I'm trying to use RESTClient. Example:
def http = new RESTClient('')
path : '/v1/rooms/message',
body : postBody,
query : query,
requestContentType : URLENC )
The way I'm able to use it with Execute System Groovy Script is I execute a gradle build to pull the dependencies and Then I add: '${WORKSPACE}/libs/http-builder-0.7.2.jar:${WORKSPACE}/libs/xml-resolver-1.2.jar' to the System groovy script classpath. I can then import both: 'import,
When I try the same thing in the E-Mail EXT PreSend script (Add the 2 jars to the classpath, add the imports) I get unable to resolve. I tried using @Grab but I got an IVY error (I believe that's a whole other issue).
Thanks for all the help!
Can you provide an example of what you are doing?