Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 1.612, ghprb-plugin 1.17
The GitHub Pull Request Builder stops building pull requests once a week. The logs say it cannot access my (private) GitHub repositories. I check the configuration and notice that the Access Token field is empty. I copy the access token, hit Apply, and it works, for a while. Next week the situation repeats.
I'm tracking the Jenkins configuration in Git using the SCM Sync configuration plugin. It shows a commit 'Modification on configuration(s) by SYSTEM' that modifies org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.GhprbTrigger.xml to remove:
- username
- password
- accessToken
- adminlist
- publishedURL
- requestForTestingPhrase
- all child nodes under jobs/entry/concurrent-hash-map
Last time this happened on a Saturday, which doesn't match my weekly Jenkins upgrades (those happen on Mondays).