Resolution: Duplicate
Platform: PC, OS: Windows XP
Since updating my master hudson server to 1.272/3, my slave servers seem to be broken after
restarting them. I tried removing all the files in the remote FS root and then reinstalling the hudson
slave service. Starting it manually from a web browser works, but when one clicks "install as windows
service", many bad things happen.
First, an exception is thrown about not being able to find a file named "remoting.jar"; I was able to
resolve this by moving all the files back into the remote FS root directory. However, the service still
does not start, as the URL is being incorrectly rewritten in the hudson-slave.xml file. It generates the
following configuration in my case:
Windows service definition for Hudson slave
To uninstall, run "hudson-slave.exe stop" to stop the service, then "hudson-slave.exe uninstall" to
uninstall the service.
Both commands don't produce any output if the execution is successful.
<name>Hudson Slave</name>
<description>This service runs a slave for Hudson continous integration system.</description>
if you'd like to run Hudson with a specific version of Java, specify a full path to java.exe.
The following value assumes that you have java in your PATH.
<executable>C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe</executable>
<arguments>-Xrs -jar "%BASE%\slave.jar" -jnlpUrl
interactive flag causes the empty black Java window to be displayed.
I'm still debugging this.
<interactive />
The problem here is the "/../" between the hostname and directory, which should not be there.
Removing these gets me a step further, and at least the service can fetch the slave-agent.jnlp file from
the master. However, it does not run, as it seems that the command line syntax has been changed
somewhere and not updated in the other respective component. The following is written to hudson-
slave.err.log after starting up (with the correct url):
"-url" is not a valid option
java -jar jnlp-agent.jar [options...] <host> <hudson URL> <secret key> <slave name>
-headless : Run in headless mode, without GUI
-tunnel HOST:PORT : Connect to the specified host and port, instead of connecti
ng directly to Hudson. Useful when connection to Hudson nee
ds to be tunneled. Can be also HOST: or :PORT, in which cas
e the missing portion will be auto-configured like the defa
ult behavior
- duplicates
JENKINS-453 Check version mismatch of slave and master
- Resolved
This is because we had to change the slave.jar in 1.272. Please obtain a new
slave.jar from hudson.war and update slaves. We didn't need to change the CLI
for some time now, so people don't normally need to update slave.jar when
updating Hudson, but this time we had to change it.
I should probably add some kind of version negotiation so that slave can produce
a better error message.