Resolution: Fixed
Platform: All, OS: All
The Rake Plugin Allows the Admin to specify alternative Ruby installations, a feature that I use to utilize
Ruby Enterprise Edition.
Specifying the alternate Ruby Versions works and also using them in rake tasks works fine. The data is
also persisted to the xml file on disk.
Unfortunately it looks as if the function that reloads the xml file on hudson startup simply discards the
persisted data. The Method getCanonicalRubies() in Utils.java, called from RakeDescriptor.load in
Rake.java, gets the list of the loaded RubyInstallations as a parameter but discards it (the variable is not
used anywhere in the method)
I suspect the getCanonicalRubies() method was supposed to merge the argument together with the list
of Ruby versions that are detected in the other Utils.java methods, but this is a guess. If I only knew
what the original Author intended, i could even provide a patch (although I must admit that my Java is
a bit rusty...)
Actually I would expect that the method would return the given list (imported from the persisted xml)
if not empty, since the explicit user setting should override autodetection.
Since this renders the rake plugin useless in my usecases, I would mark this bug as severe.
Please contact me if I can be of any help.
I've fixed it, I still need to release a new version of the plugin.