New Feature
Resolution: Won't Fix
Build timeout plugin version 1.14
I have request for feature that you might initially find unusual, but it makes sense: I'd like the option for Build Timeout plugin to abort my job-run if it gets wildly verbose in the log console. (You might even extend that to wildly large and fast artifact generation, but I'm not asking for that.)
My specific use case is fairly obvious and really happened. One job owner on my Jenkins instance had his automated unit tests go wrong, and in a few hours' time, its console file consumed the remaining 520 GB of my Jenkins master disk space. The console was merely exception after exception written to stdout. Consequently, Jenkins master would not build, and it had to be shutdown to recover. (You might stress how your plugin makes Jenkins master safer after you implement this!)
For the specifics of this request, I'd envision that this feature be independent of the time-out strategy; i.e. regardless of which time-out strategy I pick, I still want this feature too. I'd also envision that it be checked ON by default. The user would specify a growth rate limit, e.g., "100 MB per 60 seconds". If Build Timeout plugin notices the console grows more than 100 MB between 60 second samples, then it would take the user specified time-out action.
Thank you in advance for considering my request.
https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Logfilesizechecker+Plugin ?