When configuring a Job, Copy Artifact plugin shows "QA Build" by default" even if we change this to other values.
I've checked on the job config.xml and the setting is correct.
1- Changing value to Release Candidate:
2- Open job config figures invalid info
3- Config.xml file shows correct info:
<hudson.plugins.copyartifact.CopyArtifact plugin="copyartifact@1.35.2">
<selector class="hudson.plugins.promoted_builds_simple.PromotedBuildSelector" plugin="promoted-builds-simple@1.9">
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-32052 Default value for Build selector parameter is not saved
- Resolved
JENKINS-33015 Promotion Level reverts back to QA Build on each configure
- Closed
promoted-builds-simple should use the standard variable instance instead. I'll prepare a pull request for that fix.
Workaround: You can avoid the problem by downgrading copyartifact to 1.35. Changes in 1.35.1 and 1.35.2 are not so important and I believe you don't have problems with 1.35.