Resolution: Fixed
Once this plugin is configured, I am no longer able to hit the notifyCommit URLs. Instead I get "This request requires HTTP authentication."
Based on the git plugin documentation, these URLs should not be secured:
this URL doesn't require authentication even for secured Jenkins, because the server doesn't directly use anything that the client is sending. It runs polling to verify that there is a change, before it actually starts a build.
source: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Git+Plugin#GitPlugin-Pushnotificationfromrepository
I believe both svn and mercurial also support push notifications. I'm not aware of any other Jenkins URLs that need to be excluded from the security filter, but others may exist.
Going to do a path check for "/notifyCommit" in the request URL, since that seems to be the easiest way to do it:
Git: <jenkins root>/git/notifyCommit?... (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Git+Plugin)
Mercurial: <jenkins root>/mercurial/notifyCommit?... (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Mercurial+Plugin)
Subversion: <jenkins root>/subversion/<repo UUID>/notifyCommit?... (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Subversion+Plugin)
I would prefer a solid "Path must look/start like this", but the only way to do that with the subversion path is with a regular expression, and those can become hard to maintain...