nathanagood We are having the same issue. Our job is intended to deploy two different applications. We are using a Parameter in the name of the stack for that. We intended to use the same job for all of our applications that share the same template, but as of now, we can only deploy one at a time.
The CF stack has further logic to give the applications different configuration, but it is useful as we can reuse all the shared components which is the majority of the template.
People will usually deploy these applications at the same time when they come into the office in the morning around the same time and as of now, the second group has to wait longer to start using the application.
Thanks for the help!
I got similar problem:
The different is needless to configured there is only one build of this job can run.
My situation is that one job launch two job instance concurrently and job configurate Tear down Amazon CloudFormation in Post-build Actions. I have use a environment variable as a part of Stack name.
The first done job can't tear down itself own Stack immediately. The following message in the console log:
AWS Cloud Formation is waiting for a checkpoint on <jobname> #<build id>
This job can tear down unit other job tear down itself own Stack.