When I have a clone-workspace post-build action configured, it doesn't show up in the list of options for selection on a consuming project.

      I'm currently able to get around this by temporarily populating a "dummy" clone-workspace post-build action and then making the selection in my consuming project. Then I can delete it from the "producing" project.

      Any time I edit the consuming project however, I have to make sure the dummy is recreated, otherwise I lose the setting.

      Is there any way to make clone workspace aware of flexible publish?

          [JENKINS-30567] Flexible publish and clone workspace

          ikedam added a comment -

          Clone-workspace-scm plugin lists up project that configured with CloneWorkspacePublisher, and fails to know a project is configured with that publisher when it is wrapped in flexible-publish.

          Though there's no "best" way as Jenkins doesn't support nesting publishers like flexible-publish, there're following ways clone-workspace-scm can do:

          • Implement Publisher#getProjectActions and use the action as a marker.
            • This is usually used for adding UI menues to projects configured with the publisher.
            • flexible-publish calls it for nested publishers.
          • Detect flexible-publish and look up nested CloneWorkspacePublisher.
            • It may be a little complicated as you have to add plugin dependencies and flexible-publish may wrap multiple publishers.
          • Allow to input project names manually.
            • This also allow you use variables to specify source projects.
          • Add a conditional execurion feature to clone-workspace-scm.

          Anyway, there's nothing flexible-publish can do for this issue...

          ikedam added a comment - Clone-workspace-scm plugin lists up project that configured with CloneWorkspacePublisher, and fails to know a project is configured with that publisher when it is wrapped in flexible-publish. https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins-clone-workspace-scm-plugin/blob/clone-workspace-scm-0.6/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/cloneworkspace/CloneWorkspaceSCM.java#L347 Though there's no "best" way as Jenkins doesn't support nesting publishers like flexible-publish, there're following ways clone-workspace-scm can do: Implement Publisher#getProjectActions and use the action as a marker. This is usually used for adding UI menues to projects configured with the publisher. flexible-publish calls it for nested publishers. Detect flexible-publish and look up nested CloneWorkspacePublisher . It may be a little complicated as you have to add plugin dependencies and flexible-publish may wrap multiple publishers. Allow to input project names manually. This also allow you use variables to specify source projects. Add a conditional execurion feature to clone-workspace-scm. Anyway, there's nothing flexible-publish can do for this issue...

          ikedam added a comment -

          I added Clone Workspace SCM Plugin to the list of known plugins that doesn't work with Flexible Publish:

          ikedam added a comment - I added Clone Workspace SCM Plugin to the list of known plugins that doesn't work with Flexible Publish: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Flexible+Publish+Plugin#FlexiblePublishPlugin-Knownpluginsthatdoesn%27tworkwithFlexiblePublish

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