We are experiencing occasional lockups in "p4 sync" with the p4-plugin which we did not see with the legacy perforce-plugin.
It does not seem possible to interrupt these lockups which means the entire server process has to be restarted.
I have attached the threadDump for the thread in question.
The last output from the job was:
P4 Task: syncing files at change: 2131788
p4 sync -q <workspace_dir>/...@2131788
... totalFileSize 879498020
... totalFileCount 100
There should be a timeout or something similar implemented in p4-plugin which should prevent such problems locking up the executor in jenkins.
Actually I saw the opposite in ConnectionFactory.java:
// disable timeout for slow servers / large db lock times
props.put(RpcPropertyDefs.RPC_SOCKET_SO_TIMEOUT_NICK, "0");
Could that be changed to a user defined setting in the jenkins global configuration like the legacy perforce-plugin uses?