Resolution: Fixed
Linux sjpsvdx-sweb02 3.8.13-68.3.3.el6uek.x86_64
java version "1.7.0_79"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u79-b14)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)
1.636 war running into apache-tomcat-6.0.36
svnmerge-plugin 2.5
subversion 2.5.4
cloudbees-folder 5.1OS: Linux sjpsvdx-sweb02 3.8.13-68.3.3.el6uek.x86_64 JDK: java version "1.7.0_79" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u79-b14) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode) Jenkins: 1.636 war running into apache-tomcat-6.0.36 Plugins: svnmerge-plugin 2.5 subversion 2.5.4 cloudbees-folder 5.1
When creating a new Branch through the "Feature Branches" option, from a job which is located inside a folder, the "Feature job" is created in a diferent location and its "Upstream project name" property is created with a wrong path.
The desired behavior could be:
- The "Upstream project name" property could be created with the project's full path
- The "Feature job" location could be the same as its upstream job (folder's relative)
In an upstream project located inside a folder, the option "Feature Branches" doesn't list a downstream project (existing features branches) if the downstream project is configured properly poiting to the right path (with slashes).
The desired behavior could be:
- When iterating over all items, the plugin could use the fullName property (from AbstractProject) to create the list of "feature branches"