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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-31782

All Failed Tests table link not returning consistant link.

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • maven-plugin
    • None
    • Windows 7
      Firefox 42
      Failsafe (Maven Plugin) 2.17
      Maven 3.3.3

      We are currently using the Failsafe plugin with Maven to run our Selenium tests on our jenkins build box.
      The Selenium tests are running correctly. We have the failsafe plugin configured to save the test results for the various browsers in distinct directoies
      Like this:

      The reports are being created correctly and placed in these directories correctly.

      The error occurs when we are in Jenkins and want to view these reports for the failed tests.
      For the tests listed in the "All Failed Tests" table if we click on one of the failed tests listed the link could bring us to any of our 4 test reports. If for example the test failed only in Firefox, that test would show up on the "All Failed Tests" table but the link might take you to the report for that test for Chrome, which says the test passed. If you got back to the page with the "All Failed Tests" table and click the same test again, this time the link might take you to the report for the Firefox run, or it might take you to the report for the ie-new run. The link seems to randomly cycle through all 4 of the reports for that test.

      The test listed in the "All Failed Tests" table should always link to the proper report.

      Proper behavior would be for the tests in the "All Failed Tests" table to link to their own report.

      Work-around: We have found that tests listed in the "All Tests" table always link to the proper report.

      Attached file shows how we have the Failsafe plugin configured.

        1. POMsnippet.txt
          8 kB
          Robert van Oostwaard

          [JENKINS-31782] All Failed Tests table link not returning consistant link.

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            oostwaard Robert van Oostwaard
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