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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-32187

List Subversion tags doesn't populate during release configuration

      If "configure release build" is checked (release plugin) and "List Subversion tags" is added as a release parameter, no tags are listed. If the exact same options are added but as a standard build parameter, the tags are listed. Furthermore, if the options are added as a build parameter in both places, both parameters are displayed but they both list the tags according to the standard build parameter. If the parameter name is changed on one so that they no longer match, the release parameter will no longer list the tags.

      The release parameter is not being evaluated. It is being populated when the standard parameter is evaluated.

      'Override build parameters' has no effect. It was selected in the attached images for demonstration purposes.

        1. release_and_standard.PNG
          14 kB
        2. release_name_change.PNG
          14 kB
        3. release_notworking.PNG
          11 kB
        4. standard_working.PNG
          9 kB

          [JENKINS-32187] List Subversion tags doesn't populate during release configuration

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            recena Manuel Recena Soto
            naugler Bob
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