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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-32368

Changes list is not showing the correct changes in a build


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • p4-plugin
    • None
    • Jenkins 1.6.42
      p4-plugin 1.3.4

      When viewing the overall project changes list, the list of actual perforce changes being shown appears to be the list of every change since the build started. It should show only the list of changes in the given build, regardless if the build failed, was aborted, succeeded, etc. In the attached screenshot build #127 had only one change, but it's showing the previous 8, build 126 had two changes, but it's showing the previous 8, etc.

      The incorrect list is also appearing in the individual build's changes list.

      My users are definitely giving me a hard time about this because they can't easily tell what's in a build. This is making it impossible to choose this plugin over the older/original Perforce plugin which doesn't exhibit this problem - even though I would rather because of your support, swarm integration, the need to not install the p4 client on the build node, etc. It also makes using Perforce itself problematic, because the SVN and Git plugins don't have this problem and folks just don't understand or care about the difference between plugin and tools.

      Don't know yet if this issue is just a side effect of JENKINS-30868 - if so, sorry for the duped ticket.

        1. changeslist.png
          225 kB
          Jason Davis
        2. changeslist-build.png
          152 kB
          Jason Davis

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jedavis Jason Davis
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