Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 1.644
One job at the end started 8 other jobs.
All jobs belong to the same category.
Maximum Total Concurrent Builds is set to 0 and Maximum Concurrent Builds Per Node to is set 1.
3 jobs started simultaneously (I have 4 executors on the system)!
Than only one was executed sequentially, as it should.
I need to have only one job running from this category at any time!
Jenkins 2.32.1
I have 10 executors on my Jenkins installation
I set up 3 jobs, which all have these TCB options set:
Throttle this project as part of one or more categories (set)
Maximum Total Concurrent Builds = 1
Maximum Concurrent Builds Per Node = 1
List of parameters to check: Expensive
If I queue up all 3 jobs, they all three run simultaneously. I expected them to block each other.