garethnz: Sure, feel free to discuss your ideas here. If you have code pushed, you could also link to any branches that you might have.
But note that the code in that experimental pipeline-dsl branch isn't amazing and, having discussed it with Kohsuke and Jesse (aka the pipeline gurus) at Jenkins World, it's maybe not going in the right direction. Using DSLs in this way apparently isn't really pipeline-y (and won't work with the Snippet Generator), and the way I implemented it means that we lose out on some of the important pipeline features, like durability (AbstractSynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution doesn't support it; but without this I think I ended up blocking the CPS thread).
i.e. it's generally preferable to provide a series of pipeline steps.
I really need to get back into the code, and look at my notes from the Jenkins World discussions, think again about the design, and also think about how to incorporate automated installation of system images etc.
Pipeline support is currently #1 on my list of things to implement, and I do have a lot of free time right now, but I'm about to go on holiday for two weeks… 
Anyway, if you have any ideas, or anything to share, I'd be happy to take a look at it.
I think a step like this would work quite well