Please could you consider adding a "Use Upstream Project revision" checkbox to the p4-plugin similar to that available in the legacy "perforce-plugin".
It is a useful feature when jobs are setup to run after an upstream job with artifacts being copied. In many circumstances like this it is important that the downstream job uses the same file revisions as the upstream job that created the artifacts.
I think it may be already possible to do this with "Parameterized Trigger Plugin" in the upstream job setting "change" parameter on the downstream job, but then all the downstream jobs have to be listed in the upstream job which is more complex to configure.
I've only noticed it since upgrading 1.9.6 -> 1.10.10 recently. But yes, I could have missed it before. I'll pay close attention over the next few days and let you know.
Which workaround are you referring to? The one you mentioned in comment-273024 was documented under this issue and is what I'm using.